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The Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument is an amazing place. Many of these images were created while camping out along the Burr Trail.
First look at the Gulch, Grand StaircaseWingate Sandstone, Grand StaircaseCrack in the Rock, Burr TrailBurr Trail Inspiration- King BenchPink Cliffs from the Burr TrailRolling Hills-Burr TrailChinle Overlook, Burr Trail. Grand StaircaseKings Bench IIEscalante-Grand StaircaseThe Burr Trail, near the Gulch. Grand Staircase National MonumentLong Canyon Road, Burr TrailMy painting on the Burr Trail, King BenchAlong the Burr TrailKings Bench, Grand Staircase-Escalante National MonumentKings Bench and Boulder MountainNear Horse CanyonNear the Wolverine Loop